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Detailed recruitment information

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Home > Recruiting information > Detailed recruitment information
Posting date  22-03-14 Application deadline 상시
Job title 각종 밭일, 농사일 하실 여성인부 모집합니다. 외국인 환영
We are looking for female workers to do various fields and farm work. Foreigners welcome
Job type AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY/FISHERY > SIMPLE WORKER     [We are looking for a woman to work in the fields.]
Job site 부산 강서구
Seoul Gangseo-gu
Working hours 오전 7~8시 에서 오후 5~5:30 까지
7-8 am to 5-5:30 pm
Payment condition 전화 후 수수료 설명
Fee Description After Call
No. of open positions  20 Preferred age 20 ~ 50
Education irrelevant Major irrelevant
Work experience Preference is given to those with military service or field work experience
Foreign language irrelevant Other preferential skills irrelevant
Dormitory Do not provide dormitory Meals According to company policy(Negotiable)
4 major insurance
Other information 밭일 하실 여성분 구합니다.
We are looking for a woman to work in the fields.
외국인들 대 환영이구요. 밭마다 일당이 다릅니다. 기본 8~10 생각하시면 됩니다. 일 마치면 바로 현금 지급입니다. 초보자도 상관 없어요 못해도 친절하게 가르쳐드립니다. 부담 안 가지셔도 되고 친구랑도 같이 가능 합니다. 현재 외국인분들도 오래 다니고 있을 만큼 신뢰가 좋습니다. 갑갑한 공장 보다는 널널하고 좋은 공기도 마시고 서로 얘기하면서 밭일 하면 시간 금방 갑니다. 무거운 것 드는 거 하나도 없습니다. 근무시간은 7:30이나 8:00시에 시작하여 거의 4시 쯤에 끝이 납니다 밭일 빨리 끝나면 3시에도 퇴근할 때도 있습니다. 한국말 서툴러도 항상 친절하고 천천히 설명 해드리겠습니다. 자세한 설명은 전화 주세요.
Foreigners are welcome. Each field has a different wage. You can think of the basic 8-10. Cash payment immediately upon completion of work. It doesnt matter even if you are a beginner, I will teach you kindly even if you are not good at it. You don't have to worry about it and you can do it with your friends. The trust is good enough that foreigners have been there for a long time now. Rather than a cramped factory, time goes by quickly if you work in the fields while breathing in the spacious, good air and talking to each other. There is nothing heavy lifting. Working hours start at 7:30 or 8:00 and end around 4:00. Even if I am not good at Korean, I will always be kind and explain slowly. Please call for detailed explanation.
How to apply call or text Required documents/
preparation materials
CV/other related materials (Self-introduction, certificates etc.)
Company information
Company name 뽀빠*****
CEO 구성*
Business type AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY/FISHERY > SIMPLE WORKER Phone number  05**********
Business item 서비스 Company size
(No. of employees)
Address (46705) 부산 강서구 *********뽀빠이인력개발
() 37, Nakdongbuk-ro, ******
Contact information
Name of HR manager 구성*
Fax number  05*********
Contact number  01*********** Email  rn**************
Job site
▪ If you wish to apply for the above job posting, please click the [Apply for employment] button below, or send your resume to the e-mail address listed above.
▪ For more information regarding job posting or visa support related information, please contact directly to the contact details provided in above, or click the [Request detailed information]
    button below and submit your details to HNHJOB.
▪ Please click the [Interpretation support request] button below if you wish to apply for an immediate interview or if you have experienced any difficulties in communication due to the Korean
    language when you have tried to contact the person in charge from the recruiting company and please be reminded to provide the details of your request.

◆ Interpretation assistance is available for one company per day.


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